Daniil @daniil27575
About me
Учусь в институте. Подрабатываю. Живу один. Ищу подругу для общения и гуляний. Играю на электрогитаре, пою.
- Music Movies TV shows Cars Video games Theater Work Outdoors Family Politics Friends Board games Rock Pop-music Rap Historical movies Documentary Comedy Romantic movies Thrillers Horror Melodramas Tasty food Volunteering Concerts Finding love Adventures Technologies
- Appearance:
- Caucasian
- Bad habits:
- Smoking,
Career and education
- Education:
- Some college, no degree
- School or university:
- I speak:
- Русский,
Attitude towards children
- Children:
- No
- Partner's children:
- Not ready for a partner with kids
- Common children:
- Not sure, we'll see how it goes
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