Viktor @viktor243881
About me
Хочу могу.Живу в бл.Подмосковье.В15 км от МКАД.
Дмитровское шоссе.В частном доме.
Дмитровское шоссе.В частном доме.
- I’m here for
- Friendship,
Love, relationship,
Do sports together,
Travel together - Marital status
- Not married
- Traveling Cars Theater Work Outdoors Camping Outdoor activities Beach Flirting Historical movies Comedy Romantic movies Geek Cats Personal growth Finding love Adventures Gardening
- Height:
- 170 cm
- Weight:
- 60 kg
- Religion:
- Christianity
Career and education
- Education:
- College
- Company:
- Работаем
- I speak:
- Русский
Attitude towards children
- Children:
- one, live separately
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